Startinventarisatie interviewprotocol project 't PASST Samen
Geveke, Carla (Jeugd, Educatie En Samenleving); van Dijk, M. (Jeugd, Educatie En Samenleving); Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversiteit In Leren En Gedrag)
Signaleren van taalproblemen bij jonge kinderen in de jeugdgezondheidszorg
Bochane, Margot (Talig Functioneren En Gezond Ouder Worden)
Is Motor Coordination the Key to Success in Youth Cycling?
M. Mostaert; P. Vansteenkiste; F. Laureys; N Rommers; J Pion; F.J. Deconinck; M. Lenoir
Educational material toolkit - For educators
Virpi Remahl (Docent); Afke Kerkstra (Lid Lectoraat); Peter Downs; Vera Dekkers (Lid Lectoraat)
Forum theatre as participatory action research with community workers
de Kreek, Mike; Bos, Eltje (Kenniscentrum Maatschappij En Recht); von Salisch, Margareta; Huss, Ephrat; Bos, Eltje
Methodical principles and prevention-focused outcomes in professional youth work: A longitudinal analysis
Sonneveld, Jolanda (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr)); Metz, Judith; Manders, Willeke; Schalk, René; van Regenmortel, Tine
The contribution of professional youth work to the personal development and social participation of socially vulnerable youngsters
Sonneveld, Jolanda (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr)); Metz, Judith; Manders, Willeke; Schalk, René; Van Regenmortel, Tine
Working together towards family-school partnership:
Spruijt, Rosanne; Kassenberg, Annelies (Youth And Living Environment); Willemse, Martijn
The importance of satisfying children’s basic psychological needs in primary school physical education for PE-motivation, and its relations with fundamental motor and PE-related skills
de Bruijn, A.G.M.; Mombarg, R. (Sports Education & Youth Sports); Timmermans, A.C.