Innovative Process for Furniture Design:
Meister-Broekema, Peter (Living Environment In Transition); Poussard, Benjamin; Blanchard, Phillipe; Dupont, Laurent; Richir, Simon; Fleury, Sylvain
Embedding personal data minimization technologies in organizations: needs, vision and artifacts
M.S. Bargh; R.F. Meijer; S. van den Braak; A. Latenko; M. Vink; R. Choenni
Online and Offline Behavior Change Techniques to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle
Daniël Bossen; Monique Bak; Katja Braam; M. Wentink; Jasmijn Holla (Lector); Bart Visser; Joan Dallinga (Lid Lectoraat)
The Landscape of the Lines of the Hand:
van Boeckel, Jan (Art & Sustainability); Häggström, Margaretha; Schmidt, Catherine
Een toekomstgericht cateringconcept
Kamphuis, SJ (Sophie) (Student)
Consumer behaviour information at Van Spronsen & Partners
Florentine Puts (Begeleider); Andriew Liam (Begeleider)
Active Tourism in Abruzzo
Lucia Del Rosario (Student); Andriew Lim (Begeleider); Jeroen Bosman (Begeleider)
How The End-to-End Customer Experience bridges the relationship between signalling and trust in online shopping.
Cécile Sternel (Student); David Branon (Begeleider)
Customer experience in the luxury retail industry
Mathilde Laporte (Student); Isabel Son (Begeleider)
Socio-Cognitive Mindfulness in City Hospitality in Amsterdam
Nikki Veldhoen (Student); Christa de Heij (Begeleider)