Farm and herd factors influencing antibiotics use on Dutch dairy farms
Ensing, C. (Student); Meinderts, J.; Kuipers, A.; Wemmenhove, H.
Assessment of effective implementation of internal HIV/AIDS mainstreaming : the case of finance and economic development sector of the Southern Nation, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State of Ethiopia
Degefe, G.T. (Student); Koucher, A.
Using intervention mapping (IM) to develop a self-management program for employees with a chronic disease in the Netherlands
Sarah Detaille; J. van der Gulden; Josephine Engels; Yvonne Heerkens; F. van Dijk
Lactic acid and Lactates in Health and wellness
Gertjan Schaafsma; Victor Schreurs
Contribution of Physical Education and Active Transport to Energy Expenditure in Dutch Adolescents
Menno Slingerland (Lid Lectoraat); dr. Lars B. Borghouts (Lector)
Internet ontmoet PMT :'Een literatuuronderzoek naar de mogelijkheden om e-mental health te gebruiken in een PMT behandeling bij burn-out.'
Lieke Peskens (Student); Pauline Fellinger (Begeleider); Esther van der Steeg (Begeleider)
How did the socio-economic position of the Afghan women evolve throughout the past ten years and hoe have the recent initiatives of both the EU and UN contributed to the current position of these women?
Hasna Safi (Student); M. van Munster (Begeleider)
Children online : the dangers they encounter and the ways to protect them
Mona Hashemy Asl (Student); k. MOED (Begeleider)
Common prognostic factors of work disability among employees with a chronic somatic disease: a systematic review of cohort studies.
Sarah Detaille; Yvonne Heerkens; Josephine Engels; J.W. van der Gulden; F.J. van Dijk
Author's reply to Coggon commentary on epidemiological investigation of prognosis.
Sarah Detaille; Yvonne Heerkens; Josephine Engels; J.W. van der Gulden; F.J. van Dijk