This is funny: On the beneficial role of self-enhancing and affiliative humour in job design
Hans de Witte; Tinnie van der Elst; Anja van den Broeck; Annet de Lange; Josje Dikkers
Women in Egypt after the Arab Spring
Moed (Begeleider); Kelly Haak (Student)
Human Rights in China : the role of multinational enterprises
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); Matthijs A.G. Plijnaar (Student)
umc, radboud; Fleuren, Wilco W M; Verhoeven, Stefan; van den Beld, Sven; Alkema, Wynand; de Vlieg, Jacob; Klomp, Jan P G
Hoe werkt een werkomgeving?
Hoendervanger, Jan Gerard
The United Nations' role in protecting women from sexual violence in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Sandy Safali (Student); M. (Marjo) van den Haspel (Begeleider)
Direct and indirect influence of physical education-based interventions on physical activity: a review.
PhD Lars Borghouts (Lector); MsC Menno Slingerland (Lid Lectoraat)
Weighing methods according to the WHO child growth standards
Ria van Kuijeren (Begeleider); Veronica Nilsson (Student); Rosemarijn de Jong (Begeleider)
How does the Chinese development aid differ from the 'traditional' development aid system in Africa?
Myrthe M.P. Welten (Student); Paul Shotton (Begeleider)