Making waves
Carvalho, L.; van Winden, W. (Kenniscentrum Fbe)
Applying the Paradigm of Relational Ethics into Contextual Therapy. Analyzing the practice of Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy.
Jaap van der Meiden (Lid Lectoraat); Martine Noordegraaf (Lector); Hans van Ewijk
Market entry strategy for disinfection product: SECADIS
A. Kullmann (Student); M. Böhm-Beck (Begeleider); Sarah de Bakker (Begeleider)
Launching NICE's Farmstay
R.M. Mauelshagen (Student); J.T.C. Jessen (Begeleider); C. Trott (Begeleider)
Preparing students for global citizenship: the effects of a Dutch undergraduate honors course
Schutte, Ingrid W.; Kamans, Elanor (Talent Development In Higher Education And Society); Wolfensberger, Marca; Veugelers, Wiel
Arts & Crafts, Panarchy power
van Haren, Rob; Starmann, Irmgard; Verheijden, Bob; Punt, Robin
Investment strategy: Residential real estate for singles and starters in Amsterdam
Blokker, T (Tom) (Student)
Capability, social capital and opportunity-driven graduate entrepreneurship in Tanzania
Wakkee, Ingrid; Hoestenberghe, Karel; Mwasalwiba, Ernest