Phosphorous and boron segregation during resistance spot welding of advanced high strength steels
M.J.M. Hermans; I.M. Richardson; Nick den Uijl; M. Amirthalingam; E.M. van der Aa
Abstraction and executive control in formal modeling
Ilona Wilmont; E. Barendsen; Stijn Hoppenbrouwers
Interpersonal Community Psychiatric Treatment for non-psychotic chronic patients and nurses in outpatient mental health care : A controlled pilotstudy on feasibility and effects
Mascha Smit; A. Schene; B. van Meijel; A. Kaasenbrood; Giel Hutschemaekers; Bauke Koekkoek
A novel structured plastic substrate for light confinement in thin film silicon solar cells by a geometric optical effect
J. Baggerman; Gert-Jan Swinkels; Pieter Sonneveld; C.J.M. van Rijn; R.E.I. Schropp; H.J. Holterman; Kim Hamers; J.K. Rath; Reinhard de Jong
Energy performance of a concentrated photovoltaic energy system with static linear Fresnel lenses integrated in a greenhouse
Elisa van Tuijl; Pieter Sonneveld; J. van Campen; Gert-Jan Swinkels; H.J.J. Janssen; G. Bot
Effect of condensation on light transmission and energy budget of seven greenhouse cover materials
V. Mohammadkhani; Gert-Jan Swinkels; C. Stanghellini; Pieter Sonneveld; M.A. Bruins
Analytical solution and experimental validation of the energy management problem for fuel cell hybrid vehicles
P.P.J. van den Bosch; Edwin Tazelaar; M. Grimminck; Stijn Hoppenbrouwers; Bram Veenhuizen
Interfacing Between Social Media, Business Processes and Users : A Design Case Study
Koen van Turnhout; Robert Holwerda; P. Schuszler; Lars Tijsma; René Bakker
Interview patterns for requirements elicitation
L.A. Scheinholtz; Ilona Wilmont