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Stilstaan bij Verplaatsing
Jan Schrurs (Begeleider); Ilonka van der Sommen (Student)
The effects of implementation of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign in the Netherlands
G. Goekoop; M. Tromp; A. van Zanten; D. Tjan; S. Gielen-Wijffels; Mark van den Boogaard
To read, or not to read....
Marjo van Hulten (Begeleider); Emma Kuiper-MacLeod (Student)
Exploring a two-dimensional model of mentor teacher roles in mentoring dialogues
Frank Crasborn; Paul Hennissen (Lector); Niels Brouwer; Theo Bergen; Fred Korthagen
Professional development activities of teacher educators
Jurrien Dengerink; Quinta Kools (Lector); Ko Melief; Mieke Lunenberg
Professional development of Teacher Educators: What do they do? Findings from an explorative international study among teacher educators
Tetsuhito Sakata; Quinta Kools (Lector); Gilada Avissar; Simone White; Marcel van der Klink
Farm and herd factors influencing antibiotics use on Dutch dairy farms
Ensing, C. (Student); Meinderts, J.; Kuipers, A.; Wemmenhove, H.
Telemonitoring for independently living elderly
Morsch, Richard; Kröse, Ben; Bakkes, S.C.J.
BOHICA; bend over, here it comes again… construction and test of a change fatigue instrument
Elving, Wim (Communication, Behaviour & Sustainable Society); Hansma, Lindy; de Boer, Merel
Definition of Health 2.0 and Medicine 2.0 : A systematic review
Sivera Berben; T. van de Belt; Lisette Schoonhoven; Marscha Engelen