Setting up a non-invasive LC-MS platform for semi-quantification of steroid hormones in anurans
Wouter Kan (Student)
The role of the nurse in the care and management of patients with atopic dermatitis
Van Os-Medendorp, h (Harmieke) (Lectoratemember); Deprez, e (Elfie ); Maes, n (Nele); Ryan, s (Sheila); Jackson, k (Karina); Winders, t (Tonya); de Raeve, l (Linda); de Cuyper, c (Christa); Ersser, s (Steven)
Embodiment of Wearable Technology: Qualitative Longitudinal Study
Nelson, Elizabeth C; Sools, Anneke M; Vollenbroek-Hutten, Miriam M R; Verhagen, Tibert (Lectoraat Digital Commerce); Noordzij, Matthijs L
Asynchronous mHealth interventions in rheumatoid arthritis
Seppen, Bart F; den Boer, Pim; Wiegel, Jimmy; ter Wee, Marieke M; van der Leeden, Marike; de Vries, Ralph; van der Esch, Martin (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Bos, Wouter H
Improving Physical Activity in Adults Admitted to a Hospital With Interventions Developed and Implemented Through Cocreation: Protocol for a Pre-Post Embedded Mixed Methods Study
Geelen, Sven J G; Giele, Boukje M; Nollet, Frans; Engelbert, Raoul H H (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); van der Schaaf, Marike (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Stakeholder engagement from problem analysis to implementation strategies for a patient-reported experience measure in disability care
Marjolein van Rooijen; Stephanie von Helden-Lenzen (Lid Lectoraat); Ruth Dalemans (Lid Lectoraat); Sandra Beurskens; Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat)
The impact of laws and regulations on the administrative burdens within healthcare
Arjen Maris (Lid Lectoraat); Henny van Gaalen (Onderzoeker); Dennis Moeke (Onderzoeker); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social work education and practice in the Netherlands
Ed de Jonge (Lid Lectoraat); Raymond Kloppenburg (Lid Lectoraat); Peter Hendriks (Lid Lectoraat)
Declines in EROI of main fuels and the implications on developing LNG as a marine fuel
M. Vaferi; K. Pazouki; H.A. van Klink
Medication self-management: Considerations and decisions by older people living at home
Nienke Dijkstra (Lid Lectoraat); Carolien Sino (Lid Lectoraat); Marieke Schuurmans (Associate Lector); Lisette Schoonhoven; Eibert Heerdink