Blended home-based exercise and dietary protein in community-dwelling older adults: a cluster randomized controlled trial
van den Helder, Jantine (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Mehra, Sumit; van Dronkelaar, Carliene (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); ter Riet, Gerben; Tieland, Michael (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Visser, Bart (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Kröse, Ben J.A.; Engelbert, Raoul H.H. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Weijs, Peter J.M. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Effects of physical therapy for temporomandibular disorders on headache pain intensity
van der Meer, Hedwig A.; Calixtre, Leticia B.; Engelbert, Raoul H.H.; Visscher, Corine M.; Nijhuis – van der Sanden, Maria WG; Speksnijder, Caroline M.
CCT: continuous care trial - a randomized controlled trial of the provision of continuous care during labor by maternity care assistants in the Netherlands
Adrie Lettink; Karina Chaibekava; Luc J.M. Smits; Josje Langenveld; Rafli van de Laar; Babette Peeters; Marie-Louise Verstappen; Carmen Dirksen; Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector); Hubertina Scheepers
Final report – Loughborough Operational Pilot
Putrus, Ghanim; Kotter, Richard; Wang, Yue; Das, Ridoy; Bentley, Edward; Dai, Xuewu; Rimmer, Chris; van Bergen, Esther; van der Hoogt, Jorden; Warmerdam, Jos (Lectoraat Energie En Innovatie)
Challenging listening environments in higher education: an analysis of academic classroom acoustics
K.M.L. van den Heuij; T. Goverts; C.A.M. Neijenhuis; M. Coene
A transition approach towards a sustainable and healthy food system: the case of the South-Holland Food Family
Patrick Huntjens (Lector); PJ Beers (Lector); Hans Koot; Eelke Wielinga (Onderzoeker)
Jimmy Extreme
Graaf, J.W. (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Developing healthy cities with urban facility management
Nijkamp, Jeannette E. (Healthy Cities); Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management)
Data driven decision support
Mohammed el Yaakoubi (Student); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector); Annette Prinsen (Onderzoeker); Holger Hooimeijer (Onderzoeker)
Case: PV generation and Electricity demand at the Johan Cruijff Arena
Warmerdam, Jos (Lectoraat Energie En Innovatie)