Explicit teaching and scaffolding to enhance concept learning by design challenges
MEd Maurice Smeets (Docent); Dave van Breukelen (Docent); Prof. Dr. Marc de Vries
The FITS model: an improved Learning by Design approach
Drs. Ing. Koen Michels (Docent); Prof. Dr. Marc de Vries; Dave van Breukelen (Docent); MEd Frank Schure (Docent)
The SOS-framework (Systems of Sedentary behaviours): an international transdisciplinary consensus framework for the study of determinants, research priorities and policy on sedentary behaviour across the life course
Chastin, Sebastien F M; De Craemer, Marieke; Lien, Nanna; Bernaards, Claire; Buck, Christoph; Oppert, Jean-Michel; Nazare, Julie-Anne; Lakerveld, Jeroen; O'Donoghue, Grainne; Holdsworth, Michelle; Owen, Neville; Brug, Johannes; Cardon, Greet
An internationally consented standard for nursing process-clinical decision support systems in electronic health records
Müller-Staub, Maria; de Graaf-Waar, Helen; Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics)
Reconstruction of high resolution MLC leaf positions using a low resolution detector for accurate 3D dose reconstruction in IMRT
Visser, R.; Godart, J.; Wauben, D.J.L.; Langendijk, J.A.; van 't Veld, A.A.; Korevaar, E.W.
Mobiles for mobility
Fenne Verhoeven (Lid Lectoraat); M. Schoone; Anita Cremers (Lector); Jelle van Dijk
Discussion paper: Legitimacy of bottom-up planning: the need for facilitation of substantive discussions in planning processes
Levelt, Melika (City Net Zero); van Berkel, Fabi
Aspects of family caregiving as addressed in planned discussions between nurses, elderly patients and family caregivers
Hagedoorn, Ellen
Validation of an agent based model using a participatory simulation gaming approach: The case of city logistics
Anand, Nilesh; Meijer, David; van Duin, J.H.R.; Tavasszy, Lóránt; Meijer, Sebastiaan
Risk management in chaordic projects
M.A. Wildschut MSc MPM (Student)