Towards the drivers of value creation in the biogas industry
van der Burg, Robbert-Jan H.; D'Souza, Austin (Energy Transition); Huitema, George. B.; Wortmann, J.C.
Labour and health
Polstra, Louis (Labour Participation)
van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital); Polstra, Louis (Labour Participation)
Qualified labour for Groningen Energy Port
van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital)
Ten years of applied labour market research at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
van Lieshout, Harm (Human Capital)
Collaboration RenQi and the Geo Energy group, part of ESRIG
van Gemert, Wim
The Musical Other
Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education)
Towards ecological autarky
van Dartel, Michel; Nigten, Anne
Destabilising collaborations
Nigten, Anne
Canal Zone Eindhoven - open city innovation
Jolijn van den Berg (Student)