Action oriented training of natural resource management : case study of community- based natural resource management in Wodebeyesus Village, Debaitilatgin Woreda, Ethiopia
Kassa, H.S. (Student); Koucher, A.
“Looking behind the scene” : opportunities and challenges of a partnership approach : the case of the "income generating activities project", Morogoro Region, Tanzania
Akyoo, E.P. (Student); Put, M.; Witteveen, L.
Starbucks Entering The Netherlands
Bart Verhulst (Student); Alfred E. Kandou (Begeleider); N.A. Ariens (Begeleider)
Vocational education in the Netherlands: in search of a new identity
J.A.T.M. (Jan) Geurts (Lector); F.J.M. (Frans) Meijers (Lector)
Volunteers in the Centre : involving volunteers in Emmaus South Lambeth
Marianne van den Bosch (Begeleider); Heleen van Nistelrooij (Student)
Reflections on the First Joint European MA on Comparative Social Studies (MA CESS)
Maria José Freitas (Lid Lectoraat)
The last knights
René Moelker
Alternative routes to teaching in secondary education in the Netherlands
Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector)
Physiotherapeutic treatment program for patients with an amputation of the lower extremity
Kiersti Skotnes Jensen (Student); Stig Riise (Student); Annelies Simons (Begeleider); Catherine Riiser (Student); Maria Alstrup Sonberg (Student); Marijke Moonen (Begeleider)
The social economics of old age
Bulder, Elles (Living Environment In Transition)