The influence of prior knowledge and viewing repertoire on learning from video
de Boer, Jelle; Kommers, Piet A. M.; de Brock, Bert; Tolboom, Jos
Nursing students' perceptions of community care and other areas of nursing practice
van Iersel, Margriet; Latour, Corine H.M. (Faculteit Gezondheid); de Vos, Rien; Kirschner, Paul A.; Scholte op Reimer, Wilma J.M.
Social ambassador
Tyson Waser (Student)
The delicate interface between management accounting and marketing management
van Helden, Jan; Alsem, Karel Jan (Marketing And Entrepreneurship)
It is raining collaborations!
C.M.W.E. Bervaes (Student); J. Schan (Begeleider); E. van der Graaf (Begeleider)
Design principles for hybrid learning configurations at the interface between school and workplace
Cremers, Petra H.M.; Wals, Arjen E.J.; Wesselink, Renate; Mulder, Martin
Promoting self-management and adherence during prophylaxis: evidence-based recommendations for haemophilia professionals
Marieke J. Schuurmans (Lector); K. Fischer; L.H. Schrijvers
Business leadership concepts exemplified by the two exceptional leaders Daniel Vasella and Ricardo Semler
Alexander Betov (Docent); Patrick Szillat (Docent)
Innovation Hubs, student driven incubators in regional perspective
Meer, J.D. (Han) van der (Lector)
A blended intervention for patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis in the physical therapy practice
Bossen, Daniël (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Kloek, Corelien; Snippe, Harm Wouter; Dekker, Joost; de Bakker, Dinny; Veenhof, Cindy