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Health issues of whey proteins: 3. gut health promotion
Gertjan Schaafsma
Terrorist and counterterrorist operations
M.G.D. Rothman; R.J.M. Beeres; H.F.M.H. Kirkels; J.M.L.M. Soeters
With a little help from a friend
Rita Schildwacht (Lid Lectoraat); Sanneke Bolhuis (Lector); Adriaan Broeders
Setting the research agenda for governmental communication
M. Vos (Lector)
Developing Strategic Communication Strategies for Cultivating Communities of Practice
Donald Ropes (Lid Lectoraat)
Samen op weg naar een betere communicatie : communicatieplan Catharina Ziekenhuis Eindhoven
Tamara Smits (Student); Ellen Spoelstra (Student); Monica Veeger (Begeleider); Ingrid Brand (Student); Ankie Maas (Student); Marja Legius (Begeleider)
Fontys Scriptieprijs; Genomineerd voor KNGF scriptieprijsGoaanse wantoestanden
Nick Welman
CIMIC as complex international military-civilian intervention for conflict solution and relief
R.V.A. Janssens
Bridging future needs to todays companies' capabilities. competences of the new (human) engineer.
Ir. H.G.M. Geraedts (Docent); Dr. Ir. ing. C. Blokhuizen (Docent); Ir. M. Rutten (Docent); Ir. P. Leijten (Docent)