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Goaanse wantoestanden
Nick Welman
CIMIC as complex international military-civilian intervention for conflict solution and relief
R.V.A. Janssens
Bridging future needs to todays companies' capabilities. competences of the new (human) engineer.
Ir. H.G.M. Geraedts (Docent); Dr. Ir. ing. C. Blokhuizen (Docent); Ir. M. Rutten (Docent); Ir. P. Leijten (Docent)
The EN-KNEE Isokinetic : Testing and Training
Torgeir Voldseth (Student); Thomas A. Clausen (Student); Paul A. Jensen (Student); Monica Veeger (Begeleider); Annelies Simons (Begeleider); Marlies Schillings (Begeleider)
The EN-KNEE: Isokinetic Testing and Training
Monica Veeger (Begeleider); Torgeir Voldseth (Student); Thomas A. Clausen (Student); Annelies Simons (Begeleider); Paul A. Jensen (Student)
Information dominance
J. Rogge
Result-responsibility and integral information processes
J. Heijnsdijk; J.A.M. Oonincx
Medical Students' Cases as an Empirical Basis for Teaching Clinical Ethics.
A. Boenink; Marli Huijer (Lector); Evert van Leeuwen; G. Kimsma