Needs Inventory for Capacity Building at Ghana Water Company Limited: A listing of the needs for Capacity Building at 10 water treatment plants in Ghana
Roderick Jager (Student); Jos Walenkamp (Begeleider)
'Het nieuwe werken', here to stay or not?
P.M. Koelemij (Begeleider); Roxane M.J.C. de Hoon (Student)
HIV & AIDS preventie in Durgapur
Karin Kaashoek (Begeleider); Daphne Roest; Ylse Voll; Emma Nagtegaal; Donny Drummen (Student); Siv Golüke (Begeleider)
Taking care of older workers
Veth, Klaske; Emans, Ben; van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M.; de Lange, Annet H.; Korzilius, Hubert P.L.M.
Bestuurlijke Turbulentie in het Sociaal Werk: De Uitdaging van Meervoudige Coalitievorming
Hoijtink, Marc (Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk); van Doorn, Lia
Assessment of effective implementation of internal HIV/AIDS mainstreaming : the case of finance and economic development sector of the Southern Nation, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State of Ethiopia
Degefe, G.T. (Student); Koucher, A.
The learning space between female farmers and female extension workers : a case study of Mir Bacha Kot district of Kabul province, Afghanistan
Shamim, W. (Student); Moor, I.R. de
Transfer of learning : factors influencing the transfer of learning in training smallholder farmers by Agritex extension workers in Zimbabwe on moisture conservation innovations
Muhau, E. (Student); Moor, I.R. de
Local brew clubs : the breeding sites for HIV infection : a case of women local brew sellers in Njombe district, Iringa region, Tanzania
Kiranga, H.J. (Student); Kingma, J.T.