Evidence-based education: objections and future directions
I. Dekker; M. Meeter
Evidence-based education
Dekker, Izaak (Lectoraat Didactiek Van De Bètavakken); Meeter, Martijn
Perceptions of employees with a low and medium level of education towards workplace health promotion programmes: a mixed-methods study
Hanne C.S. Sponselee; Willemieke Kroeze (Lector); Suzan J. W. Robroek; Carry M. Renders; Ingrid Steenhuis
Probleem-oplossen in het hoger onderwijs door (zelfgestuurd) leren van voorbeelden en oefenproblemen.
Milou van Harsel (Phd); Vincent Hoogerheide; P.P.J.L. Verkoeijen (Lector); Tamara van Gog
Moving robotics competitions virtual:
Martins, Felipe (Sensors And Smart Systems); Matejov, Adrián; Šuppa, Marek
Handbook of Wind Energy Aerodynamic Handbook
Stoevesandt, Bernhard; Schepers, Gerard (Wind Energy); Fuglsang, Peter; Sun, Yuping
How does architecture contribute to reducing behaviours that challenge? A scoping review
Roos, Berit Ann (Facility Management); Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Heylighen, Ann
The potential of big data technologies in improving the management of activity-based working
Bol, QD (Quintus) (Student)
Seeking Higher Ground
Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); Sanquist, Nancy; Saunders, Jeffrey
Toekomstbestendig Sociaal Ondernemen: Eindrapport
Drupsteen, Linda (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); 't Jong, Marie-Louise; Loog, Bram; Bolland, Astrid; Cuypers, Claudia (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Drubbel, Thilou