Children’s light : the participation of the child in the construction of twelve eagle’s narratives of resilience among rural families facing extreme poverty and food insecurity. Valle del Polochic
Molina, G. (Student); Witteven, L.
Impact of goat development project on livelihood assets: the case of Northern Red Sea Region in Eritrea
Mehanzel, S.H. (Student); Hesselink, E.
NCDO leertraject Wereldburgerschap
Schutte, Ingrid
Fairfood : 'Eat Fair, Beat Hunger!'
Anne-Marij de Koning (Student); Ben Wouters (Begeleider)
Armoede werkt niet! Ruud Thelosen (Docent)
Jong spreekt jong
Wouter Reith (Docent); Dick Lammers (Lid Lectoraat)
Improved seed for poor farmers : contribution of CBDA managed improved seed distribution system : the case of Enebssie Sar Midir district, Eastern Gojam Zone, Ethiopia
Tewoldebirhan, M.D. (Student); Janssen, K.A.M.
Matched savings
Witte, Leo
Promoting sustainable food consumption in the Netherlands
Frits van de Port (Student)