Unsatisfactory knowledge and use of terminology regarding malnutrition, starvation, cachexia and sarcopenia among dietitians
ter Beek, Lies; Vanhauwaert, Erika; Slinde, Frode; Orrevall, Ylva; Henriksen, Christine; Johansson, Madelene; Vereecken, Carine; Rothenberg, Elisabet; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët (Malnutrition And Healthy Ageing)
The development, validation and initial results of an integrated model for determining the environmental sustainability of biogas production pathways
Pierie, Frank (Energy Transition); van Someren, Christian; Benders, René M.J.; Bekkering, Jan (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); van Gemert, Wim; Moll, Henri C.
Spatial and environmental assessment of energy potentials for Anaerobic Digestion production systems applied to the Netherlands
Pierie, Frank (Energy Transition); Benders, René M.J.; Bekkering, Jan (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); van Gemert, Wim; Moll, Henri C.
Environmental and energy system analysis of bio-methane production pathways
Pierie, Frank (Energy Transition); van Someren, Christian; Benders, René M.J.; Bekkering, Jan (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); van Gemert, Wim; Moll, Henri C.
Method development and validation of imidacloprid and its metabolites in the snail Lymnaea stagnalis digestive gland with liquid chromatography and triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.
Leyla el Khamlichi (Student)
Computed fingertip touch for the instrumental control of musical sound : with an excursion on the computed retinal afterimage
Staas de Jong (Phd)
Towards needs-based work environments: psychological needs affecting the use and appreciation of activity-based work environments
Hoendervanger, Jan Gerard
3rd Understanding Small Enterprises (USE) Conference 2015
van Lieshout, Harm; Scholing, Anneloes; Geling, Kathinka
From investing in real estate to investing in Sustainability
Oude Aarninkhof, N.B. (Nick) (Student)
From professoriate to private & initial education
Troia, Marion