De geïntegreerde benadering in Afghanistan
L.J. Hazelbag; E.H. Klijn (Begeleider); F.P.B. Osinga (Begeleider)
Dealing with complexity as a skill, complexity in an engineering curriculum
Jaap Goedegebuur (Onderzoeker); Dan Greve (Lid Lectoraat); Robert Huls (Onderzoeker)
Research on Ethical Agency
Ed de Jonge (Lid Lectoraat)
Internationalization of Higher Education
G.W. Lord (Begeleider); Hilal Yilmaz (Student)
FGC in the European Union
P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider); Annika B.H. Voois (Student); M. (Mihaela) Anghel (Begeleider)
Reinterpreting the Sino-Japanese Political Relations through History
Tim Wuisman (Student); Martijn Lak (Begeleider)
Project Class and Project Risks
Jasper Zwart (Student); L. Rodenburg (Begeleider)
Human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Spain
Joyce Bos (Student); Roberto Barroso Vloedgraven
How can YaBand position YCall (a VoIP App) in the Dutch target market?
Lin Jue (Student); Esther Schagen
Social innovation to reduce the gap between innovative assistive technology and people living with dementia
L. van Gastel; L. Snaphaan; Eveline Wouters (Lector); E. van der Lubbe-Verhaegh; I. Bongers