Cost of Milk Production at farm level: A Comparison between The Netherlands and Kenya
Hillary Kipkorir Maket (Student); Karel van Hoestenberhe (Begeleider); Dik van de Koolwijk (Begeleider); Rien Geuze (Begeleider)
Online parenting support
dr. Christa Nieuwboer (Docent)
19th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science
Frencken, Wouter; Lemmink, Koen
De herbruikbare kademuur
Ursula Backhausen (Begeleider); Martijn Zegers (Begeleider); Thom Olsthoorn (Student); Davy de Greef (Student)
The road to successful geriatric rehabilitation
Marije Holstege (Lector)
Student perceptions of assessment and student self-efficacy in competence-based education
Dr. Johan Braeken; Dr. Mart van Dinther (Docent); Prof. Dr. Mien Segers; Prof. Dr. Filip Dochy
Variation in the location of the shoe sole flexion point influences plantar loading patterns during gait
Babette C. van der Zwaard (Onderzoeker); Benedicte Vanwanseele (Onderzoeker); Fred Holtkamp (Docent); Henriëtte van der Horst; Petra J.M. Elders; Hylton B. Menz
Internationalizing curricula
J.H.C. (Jos) Walenkamp (Lector); Joyce den Heijer (Lid Lectoraat); Anneke Schuurmans-Brouwer (Docent); Andreas Funk (Lid Lectoraat)
Eliciting mentor and pre-service teachers’ practical knowledge using teacher-tagged classroom situations
Niek Bogert (Docent); Frank Crasborn (Lector); Jan van Bruggen (Lector); Wim M.G. Jochems
Animal Representation in the Dutch Media through Environmental Ethics
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)