New journalism 3.0 – aggregation, content farms and Huffinization
Piet Bakker (Lector)
Positioning the Brand
drs. Jaap van der Grinten (Lid Lectoraat); Rik Riezebos
Forget the Pot of Gold
Willy Geurts (Lid Lectoraat); drs. Jaap van der Grinten (Lid Lectoraat)
Between hope and fear: Distinctiveness of media accountability online in The Netherlands
Harmen Groenhart (Docent)
The Starbucks "Sing Your Own Song Event" : an experience created by customers for customers
P.J.M. Hanssen (Begeleider); Bart P. Vader (Student)
Not dead yet – the changing significance of newspapers worldwide
Piet Bakker (Lector)
Sharing similarities and discussing differences
Els Diekerhof (Lid Lectoraat)
The New Read. [Het nieuwe lezen]
Dick Swart (Lid Lectoraat)
iPads and Tablets: Neither Saviours Nor Killers of Print Media
Dr Piet Bakker (Lector)
Kanis, Marije (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Meys, Wouter; Groen, Maarten; Slakhorst, Wout; Veenstra, Mettina