Experience in organization and space
Mobach, Mark P.
Legacy: Participatory music practices with elderly people as a resource for the well-being of healthcare professionals
Pyykönen, Krista
Symposium MiMiC - Meaningful Music in Healthcare
Smilde, Rineke; Heineman, Erik
The co-creating musician: some reflections on the MiMiC musicians' facilitation in practice
Dons, Karolien
Homemaking by single person households
Terlaak Poot, Joke
Bevolkingsontwikkeling Noord-Nederland
Bulder, E.A.M.
Designing campuses
Mobach, Mark P.
Gezond ouder worden in de stad van de toekomst
Mobach, Mark P.
Design en bewegen
Lechner, Stefan
Ruimte voor organisaties
Mobach, Mark P.; Rogier, J.J.H.; Smid, G.A.C.