Disability Trajectories in Patients With Complaints of Arm, Neck, and Shoulder (CANS) in Primary Care: Prospective Cohort Study
H.S. Miedema (Lector); M. Buljac-Samardzic; S.M.A. Bierma-Zeinstra; A. Feleus (Lid Lectoraat); B.W. Koes; T. Hoekstra
Detecting Deception using MCI in Twitter
Barthen, J (Jip) (Student); Mol, SA (Stefan) (Student)
Supporting Transitions in International Education
Susanne Alberts; Harry Vissinga; Anya van Zijll
Improving handoff communication from hospital to home: the development, implementation and evaluation of a personalized patient discharge letter
Buurman, Bianca M.; Verhaegh, Kim J.; Smeulers, Marian; Vermeulen, Hester; Geerlings, Suzanne E.; Smorenburg, Susanne; de Rooij, Sophia E.
Do experts agree when assessing risks?
Karanikas, Nektarios; Kaspers, Steffen
Undernutrition screening survey in 564,063 patients: patients with a positive undernutrition screening score stay in hospital 1.4 d longer
Kruizenga, Hinke; van Keeken, Suzanne; Weijs, Peter (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Bastiaanse, Luc; Beijer, Sandra; Huisman-de Waal, Getty; Jager-Wittenaar, Harriët; Jonkers-Schuitema, Cora; Klos, Mariël; Remijnse-Meester, Wineke; Witteman, Ben; Thijs, Abel
Measuring business schools’ service quality in an emerging market using an extended SERVQUAL instrument
E. Mbise; Ron Tuninga
The effects of a multicomponent dyadic intervention on the mood, behavior, and physical health of people with dementia: a randomized controlled trial
A.J.C. Prick; J. Twisk; J. de Lange (Lector); E. Scherder; A.M. Pot
Patient-centered outcomes on quality of life and anthroposophic healthcare
Evi B. Koster (Onderzoeker); Erik Baars (Lector); Diana M.J. Delnoij (Onderzoeker)
Mode of childbirth and neonatal outcome after external cephalic version: a prospective cohort study
A.N. Rosman; F. Vlemmix; S. Ensing; B.C. Opmeer; J. Velzel; M. de Hundt; S. van den Berg; H. Rota; J.A.M. van der Post; B.W.J. Mol; M. Kok