Broadening goals of education in Orthopaedic Engineering
M.Sc. Fred Holtkamp; PhD. ir. Jaap Harlaar
Competentiegerichtheid en scheikunde leren: over metacognitieve opvattingen, leerresultaten en leeractiviteiten
Dr. Rutger A.W. van de Sande (Lector)
Teacher competencies for working with young talent
Kors, Ninja; Rickels, Horst; Smilde, Rineke; Verkuil, Marinus
Redesigning a knowledge portal
Mike de Kreek; Josephine Lappia (Lid Lectoraat); Eleonore ten Thij
Structured collaboration versus individual learning in solving physics problems
Harskamp, Egbert; Ding, Ning
Organising and learning experiences of the first semester MA Program ePedagogy / Visual Knowledge Building
Jaap Jansen (Lid Lectoraat)
Rap met Uw nieuwe knie op stap!
John Mattijs (Begeleider); Saskia Heestermans (Student); Frank Verhulst (Begeleider); Carla Arts (Student); Anke Scheerens (Student); Kelly Stevens (Student)
Technologies for a content and language integrated approach to dropout problems in Higher Education
Marjolein Simons; Maaike Hajer (Lector); Ton Koenraad; Rintse van der Werf
E-learning activities in educating e-business: a pilot with a process oriented e-learning environment
H. Plessius; Pascal Ravesteijn (Lid Lectoraat)
Bologna på svenska, the implementation of the Bologna objectives at Örebro University and Mälardalen University
K. Persson (Begeleider); Marco P. Eimermann (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)