Zocht je misschien: tine, regenmortel, tides?
Growth opportunities in professional youth work.
Sonneveld, Johanna Jannigje Jacoba; van Regenmortel, Tine; Schalk, René
Methodical principles and prevention-focused outcomes in professional youth work: A longitudinal analysis
Sonneveld, Jolanda (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr)); Metz, Judith; Manders, Willeke; Schalk, René; van Regenmortel, Tine
Exploring empowerment of participants and peer workers in a self-managed homeless shelter
Huber, Max A; Brown, Louis D; Metze, Rosalie N; Stam, Martin; van Regenmortel, Tine; Abma, Tineke N
The contribution of professional youth work to the personal development and social participation of socially vulnerable youngsters
Sonneveld, Jolanda (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr)); Metz, Judith; Manders, Willeke; Schalk, René; Van Regenmortel, Tine
When Methods Meet Motives: methodological pluralism in Social Work research
Martine Ganzevles (Lid Lectoraat); Tine Van Regenmortel; Jaap van Weeghel; Daan Andriessen (Lector)
Samenspel tussen jongerenwerk en specialistische jeugdzorg
Sonneveld, Jolanda (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr)); Metz, Judith; Schalk, René; van Regenmortel, Tine
Professional youth work as a preventive service: towards an integrated conceptual framework
Sonneveld, Jolanda (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr)); Metz, Judith; Schalk, René; Van Regenmortel, Tine
The girls work method: what is the role of empowerment in building girls’ agency?
Boomkens, Cynthia; Metz, Judith W.; Schalk, René M.J.D.; Van Regenmortel, Tine M.R.F.
The contribution of professional youth work to the development of socially vulnerable youngsters
Sonneveld, Jolanda (Faculteit Maatschappij En Recht (Fmr)); Rijnders, Jeremy; Metz, Judith; Van Regenmortel, Tine; Schalk, René
Understanding how engagement in a self-managed shelter contributes to empowerment
Huber, Max A.; Brown, Louis D.; Metze, Rosalie N.; Stam, Martin; Abma, Tineke A; van Regenmortel, Tine; Abma, Tineke N.