Zocht je misschien: economic, economisch?
Week van de Circulaire Economie
Dommerholt, Egbert
Will Degrowth Save the World: Degrowth & Science
Hickel, Jason ; Dommerholt, Egbert; Pouwels, Dick; de Boer, Sanne
An empirical study of the Music Copyright System in The Netherlands
Nerko Hadziarapovic (Onderzoeker); Marlies van Steenbergen (Lector); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
Business case van duurzame innovaties
Hugo Booms (Onderzoeker); Tim Mazajchik (Onderzoeker)
Transfering Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Causal Inference into Sports Science
Dijkhuis, Talko (New Business & Ict); Blaauw, Frank J.
Revolutionizing the World of Social Impact Bonds: The Business Case for DLTS and Blockchain Experiment
Rosella Carè; Stella Carè; Rabia Fatima
The risks of sustainable business strategies: Do sustainable business approaches change company risks?
Linda Snippe (Onderzoeker); J. (Hans) Bossert (Lector)
De relatie tussen duurzaamheid en financieel presteren
Dommerholt, Egbert
Sustainable Development (Hanze Honours College)
Dommerholt, Egbert
Degrowth: the continuing story
Dommerholt, Egbert