Motives for voluntary entrepreneurial exits and corresponding pathways
M. Cornelisse; B. Rietdijk; L.M.M. van der Knaap
Post-Lockdown shift: SMEs adopting hybrid approaches to international B2B relationships
M. Cornelisse
Supporting SMEs learning and development through learning culture: an intervention approach
D.J.J.M. Nijman; M. van Rees; S. Corporaal; N. Zuidhof; S. Detaille; M. Lengkeek; R. Korevaar; J. de Leede; S.M.M. de Bruijn; M. Vos; E. Koop
Back to Basics: Internationalisation for newcomers to the sector
Bakker, Diederich; Wang, Ellen
Balancing Efficiency and Morale
Tudor Stoica (Student)
De sleutel tot consumentenacceptatie: Effectieve communicatie rond true pricing
Goldman, Sjoukje (Kenniscentrum Fbe); Weltevreden, Jesse (Lectoraat Digital Commerce); Kakanis, David (Lectoraat Digital Commerce)
Framing the Economy of the Future
Faber, Niels; Witjes, Sjors
Zero-Trust security model applied to smart shipping: towards a feasible architecture
M.S. Bargh; A. Omar; R. Choenni
Strategic foresight and barriers: the application of scenario planning in SMEs
M. Cornelisse; H.A. van Klink
Pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities is not a choice
Stoker, Saskia (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap); Rossano-Rivero, Sue; Davis, Sarah; Wakkee, Ingrid (Centre For Economic Transformation (Cet)); Stroila, Iulia