Pain response of healthy workers following a functional capacity evaluation and implications for clinical interpretation
Soer, Remko; Groothoff, Johan W; Geertzen, Jan H B; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Reesink, David D; Reneman, Michiel F
Test-retest reliability of psychophysical lift capacity in patients with chronic non specific low back pain and healthy subjects
Hodselmans, Audy Paul; Dijkstra, Pieter; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Geertzen, Jan H B
Evidentie van stabiliteitstraining bij chronische a-specifieke lage rugklachten
Bo Derks (Student); Michiel Sipkes (Student); Raoul Maas (Student); Tijn Vanderfeesten (Student); Annemieke van Nunen (Begeleider); Monica Veeger (Begeleider)
The deconditioning paradigm for chronic low back pain unmasked?
R. Smeets; Dr. H.M. Wittink (Lector)
Locomotor system complaints related to stress : physiotherapeutic interventions for chronic non-specific low back pain taking psychological stress into consideration
Ranveig Heier (Student); Eveline Wouters (Begeleider); Grete Turid Baarsen (Student); Cesilie Høstmælingen (Student); Marijke Moonen (Begeleider)
Analyse van de submaximale inspanningstesten
Mark van Wijgaarden (Student); Bas Notermans (Student); Monica Veeger (Begeleider); Reanne Govers (Student); Jeffrey van der Maat (Student); Hans Pruissen (Begeleider)
Effect of applying two of the principles of the S-E-T concept: stability- and sesorimotor training on patients with chronic low back pain : a systematic review
Inga Brekke Faalun (Student); Kristine Thorvaldsen (Student); Annelies Simons (Begeleider); Siv T. Jacobsen (Student); Elisabeth S. Baekkelien (Student); Ineke Smits (Begeleider)