Zocht je misschien: circulaire?
Circularity in value chains for building materials
Evert-Jan Velzing (Lid Lectoraat); Julia Planko (Lid Lectoraat); Annemiek van der Meijden (Lid Lectoraat); Kitty Vreeswijk (Onderzoeker); Ruben Vrijhoef (Lector)
The power to define resilience in socialhydrological systems
Dewulf, A.; Karpouzoglou, T.; Warner, J.; Wesselink, A.; Mao, F.; Vos, J.; Tamas, P.; Groot, A.E.; Heijmans, A. (Onderzoeker); Ahmed, F.; Hoang, L.; Vij, S.; Buytaert, W.
Building ‘solution ecosystems’ for circular economy endeavors
Julia Planko (Lid Lectoraat); Evert-Jan Velzing (Lid Lectoraat)
A sense of home
Patrick Roegiers
Architecture & Circular Thinking = Architectuur & Circulair Denken
Peter van Assche (Lector)
The rise of the smart circular city
Ruben Vrijhoef (Lector)
Potential Effects of New Products in Buildings
Sailer, Michael; Oostra, Mieke
Reflecting on New Business Models in Construction Aiming at Re-Use of Materials and Components’
Oostra, Mieke; Sailer, Michael
Collaborative value creation and learning in innovation projects for a circular city
Oskam, Inge (City Net Zero); Bossink, Bart; de Man, Ard-Pieter
Live circular
Mao Chen (Student)