Patient values in physiotherapy practice, a qualitative study
C.M. Bastemeijer; J.P. van Ewijk; J.A. Hazelzet; L.P. Voogt
Discriminative validity of the Core outcome set functional independence in a population of older adults
Yvonne Dockx; Esther Molenaar (Lid Lectoraat); Di-Janne Barten (Lid Lectoraat); Cindy Veenhof (Lector)
Comparative effectiveness of international osteoarthritis management program clinical cohorts: a project of the oarsi joint effort initiative in collaboration with the OA trial bank
Eyles, J.P.; Hunter, D.J.; Abbott, A.; Abbott, J.H.; Bierma-Zeinstra, S.; Dahlberg, L.; Dziedzic, K.; Holden, M.; Holm, I.; Healey, E.; Hurley, M.; Jönsson, T.; Svensson, G. Limbäck; Nero, H.; O'Donnell, J.; Riley, R.; Risberg, M.; van der Esch, M. (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen); van Middelkoop, M.; Bowden, J.L.
Mike Clarke; Declan Devane; Mechthild M. Gross; Sandra Morano; Ingela Lundgren; Marlenen Sinclair; Koen Putman; Beverley Beech; Katri Vehvilainen-Julkunen; Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector); Hugh Wiseman; Valerie Smith; Deirdre Daly; Gerard Savage; John Newell; Andrew Simpkin; Susanne Grylka-Baeschlin; Patricia Healy; Jane Nicoletti; Joan Lalor; Margaret Carroll; Evelien van Limbeek (Lid Lectoraat); Christina Nilsson; Janine Stockdale; Maaike Fobelets; Cecily Begley
Development of a core capability framework for qualified health professionals to optimise care for people with osteoarthritis: an OARSI initiative
Hinman, R.S.; Allen, K.D.; Bennell, K.L.; Berenbaum, F.; Betteridge, N.; Briggs, A.M.; Campbell, P.K.; Dahlberg, L.E.; Dziedzic, K.S.; Eyles, J.P.; Hunter, D.J.; Skou, S.T.; Woolf, A.; Yu, S P; van der Esch, M (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen)
Should the ultrasound probe replace your stethoscope?
SICS Study Group
Translating Evidence-Based Guidelines into Practice-Are We Getting It Right? A Multi-Centre Prospective International Audit of Nutrition Care in Patients with Foregut Tumors (INFORM)
M Findlay; J. Bauer; R Dhaliwal; Marian de van der Schueren; A. Laviano; A Widaman; L Martin; AG Day; L. Gramlich
Measuring exercise adherence in patients with low back pain: development, validity, and reliability of the EXercise Adherence Scale (EXAS)
Remco M. Arensman; Rianne Geelen; Tjarco Koppenaal (Onderzoeker); Cindy Veenhof (Lector); Martijn Pisters (Lector)
6-Minute Push Test in Youth Who Have Spina Bifida and Who Self-Propel a Wheelchair
Karlijn M.S. Damen (Onderzoeker); Tim Takken (Onderzoeker); Janke de Groot (Onderzoeker); Frank Backx (Onderzoeker); Bob Radder (Onderzoeker); I. Roos (Onderzoeker); Manon Bloemen (Onderzoeker)
Completeness of the description of manipulation and mobilisation techniques in randomized controlled trials in neck pain; A review using the TiDieR checklist
Jan Pool (Lid Lectoraat); François Maissan (Lid Lectoraat); Nanna de Waele; Harriët Wittink (Lector); Raymond Ostelo