AMBIS 2.0: panel 3 Forum 1 Executing Facilities Management Strategies in Compliance to Standard Operating Procedure
Mobach, Mark P.; Ali, Hishamuddin Mohd; Salleh, Abu Bakar bin Mohamed
The Soft Skills Business Demands of the Chief Information Security Officer
Richard Smit (Student); Jeroen J.M. van Yperen Hagedoorn (Student); Patric Versteeg (Docent); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector)
Twee bevlogen onderzoeksters over Soft Controls aan het woord
M.P. Lycklama a Nijeholt; D.N.D. Meurs
Good Governance in Sport
F.J.A. (Frank) van Eekeren (Lector); Arnout Geeraert
Implementation of remote working
Fatme Feta (Student); Marieke Polinder (Docent); Ivan Bondokov (Begeleider)
Effecten van motivational interview op de therapietrouw van chronische patiënten
Dyon van der Veen (Student); Martin Brouwer (Begeleider)
Valuing the client or the property?
Pim Klamer (Lid Lectoraat)
Prey or Predator, we're both ... just a little bit!
Graaf, J.W. (Jan Willem) de (Lector)
Ventilation management and clinical outcomes in invasively ventilated patients with COVID-19 (PRoVENT-COVID)
Stilma, W. (Faculteit Gezondheid)