Understanding how indoor environmental classroom conditions influence academic performance in higher education
Henk W. Brink (Onderzoeker); Stefan Lechner (Onderzoeker); Marcel Loomans (Onderzoeker); Mark Mobach (Onderzoeker); Helianthe Kort (Lector)
What matters most: Exploring the everyday lives of people with dementia
Jacoba Huizenga (Onderzoeker); Aukelien Scheffelaar; Nienke Bleijenberg (Onderzoeker); Jean-Pierre Wilken (Lector); John Keady; Tine van Regenmortel
Environmental Adjustment Needs of Children with Special Educational Needs in Austrian Mainstream Schools
Morgenthaler, Thomas; Kramer-Roy, Debbie (Faculteit Gezondheid); Schulze, Christina
Reasoning like a doctor or like a nurse? A systematic integrative review
Vreugdenhil, Jettie; Somra, Sunia; Ket, Hans; Custers, Eugène J. F. M.; Reinders, Marcel E.; Dobber, Jos; Kusurkar, Rashmi A.
The Science-Policy Nexus: Colonial Modernity Logics of Cultural Distance and Knowledge Production in European Integration Regimes
Blankvoort, Nadine (Lectoraat Ergotherapie - Participatie En Omgeving)
The impact of high versus standard enteral protein provision on functional recovery following intensive care admission (PRECISE trial)
van Gassel, Rob J. J.; Bels, Julia L. M.; Tartaglia, Katrien; van Bussel, Bas C. T.; van Kuijk, Sander M. J.; Deane, Adam M.; Puthucheary, Zudin; Weijs, Peter J. M. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Vloet, Lilian; Beishuizen, Bert; De Bie Dekker, Ashley; Fraipont, Vincent; Lamote, Stoffel; Ledoux, Didier; Scheeren, Clarissa; De Waele, Elisabeth; van Zanten, Arthur R. H.; Mesotten, Dieter; van de Poll, Marcel C. G.
Development and Validation of the ‘Self-Efficacy in Dealing with Self-Harm Questionnaire’ (SEDSHQ)
Nienke Kool-Goudzwaard (Lid Lectoraat); Stasja Draisma (Onderzoeker); Jaap van der Bijl; Bauke Koekkoek; A.J.F.M. (Ad) Kerkhof; Berno van Meijel (Lector)
Knowing, relating and the absence of conflict: relational leadership processes between hospital boards and chairs of nurse councils
Arjan Verhoeven; Erik van de Loo; Henri Marres; Pieterbas Lalleman (Lector)
Anand Sheombar (Onderzoeker); Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector); Gijs van Beek (Onderzoeker)
Stakeholders’ Perceptions Regarding Adaptation and Implementation of Existing Individual and Environmental Workplace Health Promotion Interventions in Blue-Collar Work Settings
Hanne C.S. Sponselee; Lies ter Beek; Carry M. Renders; Suzan J. W. Robroek; Ingrid Steenhuis; Willemieke Kroeze (Lector)