Electric freight vehicles in city logistics
Altenburg, M. (City Net Zero); Anand, N.R.; Balm, S.H. (City Net Zero); Ploos van Amstel, W. (City Net Zero)
Bachelorscriptie klanttevredenheid
Ralph Keekstra (Student)
Combining qualitative design-based methods and quantitative consumer research methods to improve customer experience in small service businesses
Christine Lille, de; Remko Lugt, van der (Lector); Gerrita Veen, van der (Lector)
Reducing Students littering behaviour by application of persuasive techniques
Mulder, S.A. (Rianda) (Student)
A study into the communication optimization of HelloFresh Nederland
Frederieke Sauer (Student); Marlies Jongman (Begeleider); Evgenia Starkova (Begeleider)
New possibilities for IKEA FAMILY
Lisa Kleijweg (Student); L.J. Harris (Begeleider)
Organizing local ‘green’ entrepreneurship
Gerrita van der Veen (Lector); Sven Willemsen (Lid Lectoraat)
Customer value in legal services : a contingency approach
Esther Verboon (Lid Lectoraat)
3Connect. An effective and easy way to collaborate, share and communicate within 3form.
Sven Bakker (Student); Romain Laisne (Begeleider); Thijs Waardenburg (Begeleider)
Doing more with Less
Lineke Verkooijen (Lector); Dennis Moeke (Lector)