Governance models for sustainable urban construction logistics: barriers for collaboration
Morel, Marie (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken); Balm, Susanne (City Net Zero); Berden, Michael (Faculteit Techniek (Ft)); Ploos van Amstel, Walther (City Net Zero)
Lives of data
Mertia, Sandeep
Exploring the psychometric properties of the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care measurement tool for care providers in Australia
Fares, Julian; Chung, Kon Shing Kenneth; Passey, Megan; Longman, Jo; Valentijn, Pim P (Value-Based Healthcare (Vbhc))
Adaptive Capacities for Diversified Flood Risk Management Strategies: Learning from Pilot Projects
Flavia Simona Cosoveanu (Onderzoeker); Jean-Marie Buijs (Associate Lector); Marloes Bakker (Onderzoeker); Teun Terpstra (Lector)
Accountants hebben integrale visie op data science nodig
de Graaf, Frank Jan (Lectoraat Corporate Governance & Leadership); van Montfort, Kees (Lectoraat Corporate Governance & Leadership)
Scientific approaches to community energy
van der Schoor, Tineke; Scholtens, Bert
Open justice in the Netherlands: an overview
M.S. Bargh; R. Choenni; C.P.M. Netten
On opening sensitive data sets in light of GDPR
M.S. Bargh; R.F. Meijer; M. Vink; S.W. van den Braak; R. Choenni
The effectiveness of European Union Official Development Assistance to South Sudan
Loredana-Maria Boghea (Student); M. van Munster
Expectations about Fertility and Field of Study among Adolescents: A Case of Self-selection?
Keijer, Micha G.; Liefbroer, Aart C.; Nagel, Ineke