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Drainage System of Tegalsari Polder for Handling Flood and Tide in Tegal City Indonesia
Yuswo, M.; Wahyudi, S. I.; Boogaard, Floris; Boer, Eric
Illness scripts in nursing: Directed content analysis
Vreugdenhil, Jettie; Döpp, Donna; Custers, Eugène J. F. M.; Reinders, Marcel E.; Dobber, Jos; Kusukar, Rashmi A.
Mapping ongoing nutrition intervention trials in muscle, sarcopenia, and cachexia: a scoping review of future research.
C.E. Orsso; M. Montes-Ibarra; M Findlay; Barbara van der Meij; Marian de van der Schueren; F. Landi; A. Laviano; C.M. Prado
The experience of sleep: A descriptive phenomenological study of Dutch adults
R. van der Veen; S Josephsson; Ton Satink
Team Learning
Piet van den Bossche (Onderzoeker); Catherine Gabelica (Onderzoeker); Mieke Koeslag-Kreunen (Lector)
Everyday Experiences of People Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia : A Scoping Review
Jacoba Huizenga (Onderzoeker); Aukelien Scheffelaar; Agnetha Fruijtier; Jean-Pierre Wilken (Lector); Nienke Bleijenberg; Tine van Regenmortel
Breast and abdominal scarring after DIEP flap breast reconstruction
Kristel E. Everaars (Onderzoeker); Esther P.M. Tjin (Onderzoeker); Erik H. de Laat (Onderzoeker); Coralie R. Arends (Onderzoeker); Stefan Hummelink (Onderzoeker); Dietmar J.O. Ulrich (Onderzoeker)
Feasibility of a stratified blended physiotherapy intervention for patients with non-specific low back pain: a mixed methods study
van Tilburg, Mark L.; Kloek, Corelien J.J.; Staal, J. Bart; Bossen, Daniël (Lectoraat Oefentherapie); Veenhof, Cindy
Sarcopenia and its relation to protein intake across older ethnic populations in the Netherlands
Dorhout, Berber G.; Overdevest, Elvera; Tieland, Michael (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Nicolaou, Mary; Weijs, Peter J. M. (Lectoraat Voeding En Beweging); Snijder, Marieke B.; Peters, Ron J. G.; van Valkengoed, Irene G. M.; Haveman-Nies, Annemien; de Groot, Lisette C. P. G. M.
Transfer in care and diabetes distress in young adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus
J.N.T. Sattoe; M.A.C. Peeters; M.B. Bronner; A.L. van Staa