Univé strategisch beraad
Foorthuis, Willem
Business models and market analyses to accelerate market adoption of improved biogas technology
Smit, Annet Jantien
Euro FM & NTNU Summerschool 2019 Trondheim Norway
Kuijlenburg, Rachel
ManiFestival Groeningen
Scholtens, Hilda; Veldwiesch, Eric
Pionierscafé Groeningen
Scholtens, Hilda; Veldwiesch, Eric; Foorthuis, Willem; Klomp, Kees
H2 supply paths in Noord-Holland Noord
Montoya Cardona, Juliana; Branse, Frank
Groeningen in Sassenhein 2-10-2018
Scholtens, Hilda; van der Wal, Rieks; Veldwiesch, Eric
City Deals Leeuwarden
Foorthuis, Willem
Kick off meeting TraCS3
Foorthuis, Willem
Scholtens, Hilda; Veldwiesch, Eric