Game on! Lessons learned from joint development and production of health games
Leupen, Harro (New Business & Ict); Willems, Rob; Onyango, George; Odongo, Peter
The Differences between Problem-Based and Drill and Practice Games on Motivations to Learn
Deen, Menno; Beemt, Antoine van den; Schouten, Ben
A three-dimensional model for educational game analysis & design
Degens, Nick; Bril, Ivo; Braad, Eelco
Are serious video games something more than a game? A review on the effectiveness of serious games to facilitate intergenerational learning
Matti Viitala; Ana B. Vivas; Donald Ropes (Lector); Antonia Ypsilanti; Tuula Ijäs; Teppo Räisänen
Verbetering van het gedrag van leerlingen, begint bij de leerkracht.
Joyce Katers (Student); Vrony Zeinstra (Begeleider)
Differences in perceived competence and physical activity levels during single-gender modified basketball game play in middle school physical education
Menno Slingerland (Docent); Leen Haerens; Greet Cardon; Lars Borghouts (Lector)
Games that Motivate to Learn: Designing Serious Games by Identified Regulations.
B.A.M. Schouten (Lector); M. Deen (Lid Lectoraat)
Using the new board game SeCZ TaLK to stimulate the communication on sexual health for adolescents with chronic conditions
A. Visser; H.A. van der Stege (Lid Lectoraat); S.R. Hilberink (Lid Lectoraat); A.L. van Staa (Lector)
The improvement of social behaviour during Physical Education
Veronique Utens (Student); Liesbeth Jans (Begeleider)