Advancing the evidence base for sustainable city-region food systems [Meeting the growing appetite of cities - delivering an evidence base for urban food policy]
Wertheim-Heck, Sigrid; van Bossum, Jessica; Levelt, Melika (City Net Zero)
Assessing the influence of livelihood assets on livelihood strategies and household food security among smallholder maize farmers the case of Bole district of Ghana
Salifu, A. (Student); Arensbergen, P. van
Intrahousehold dynamics and food security
Abdul-Rahaman, M. (Student); Arensbergen, P. van
Should Urban Safety Nets promote urban agriculture for the poor to improve their food and nutrition security?
Tadesse, H. (Student); Uffelen, J.G. van
Opportunities for reducing post-harvest losses of cactus pear (Opuntia Ficus-Indica) to small-holder farmers in Eastern Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
Rata, M.Z. (Student); Leyequién Abarca, E.
Assessing the vulnerability of pastoral communities to food insecurity in the face of climate change
Atodu, G. (Student); Uffelen, J.G. van
Effectiveness of the farmer promoter approach to increase food security among farmers
Mugiraneza, D. (Student); Bleeker, S.
The contribution of village savings and loans associations to household food and nutrition security
Akan, W.A. (Student); Heger, M.C.
Seeing Dar
Han Wiskerke; Saline Verhoeven; David Habets
Sustainable urban agriculture and food planning
Roggema, Rob