Zocht je misschien: hanze, hogeschool, haagse?
Analysis and reduction of the carbon footprint at a winery
Johanna Lucas (Student); Flip Heijblom (Begeleider)
Change management & creativity
Sebastiaan Stor (Student); Prabhath Sirisena (Begeleider)
Socio-Cognitive Mindfulness in City Hospitality in Amsterdam
Nikki Veldhoen (Student); Christa de Heij (Begeleider)
New business venture: ESG Consulting in the hospitality industry in The Netherlands
Madlen Zheleva (Student); Flip Heijblom (Begeleider)
3WO's Digital Solution: The CocktailBible
Lennard van Bennekom (Student); Robert Gallicano (Begeleider)
Hospitality training company entrepreneurship
Roan Bosman (Student); Fabian Fagel (Begeleider)
What is the corporate catering proposition that Food Union should promote in order to expand this core business?
Oda Dallinga (Student); Robert Gallicano (Begeleider)
The relationship of monotonous tasks and job satisfaction among starters in the commercial real estate industry
Marco Griep (Student); Praneschen Govender (Begeleider)
Development and implementation of an Internal Control System to prevent corporate fraud and improve operational efficiency at Quantum Capital Partners
Leonhard Kempe (Student); Maurice Chia (Begeleider)
Leader wellbeing within remote environments through sustainable Human Resource Management
Ariane Albert (Student); David Brannon (Begeleider)