Internal audit handling on board Carnival Corporation ships
J. van Berlo (Begeleider); D. Toms (Begeleider); Peter Harts (Begeleider); S.W.T. Vissia (Student)
Audiomotor transformations in music
Harris, Robert
Winners in the age of smart machines
Peters, SJ (Sjoerd) (Student)
Research in action
Beukema, Leni
Social media: van strategie tot uitvoering
Jasper Kramp (Student)
Merdan Albayrak (Student); Isabel K. Düsterhöft
Memory must not be lost
Ferri, Gabriele; Salvador, Mauro; Schouten, Ben A.M.; Venturi, Ivan
Validation of an agent based model using a participatory simulation gaming approach: The case of city logistics
Anand, Nilesh; Meijer, David; van Duin, J.H.R.; Tavasszy, Lóránt; Meijer, Sebastiaan
From high frequency trading to self-organizing moral machines
A.F. van Lier (Lector)
Governance and the decline of violence
René Moelker