Dutch political Instagram
Colombo, Gabriele; De Gaetano, Carlo; Rogers, Richard; Niederer, Sabine
The Islamic State Unfiltered
Gloerich, Inte (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Rowson, Rose; Cachia, Rebecca; Clandillon, Susan; Kolopaking, Cristel; Rasch, Miriam
What The Hague
Saskia Loomans (Student)
Artificial intelligence in social media
K. Mazerant-Dubois
Positioneren in Almere doe je zo!
Miranda Elkazovic (Student)
Het creëren van online betrokkenheid in de museumbranche
Carmen de Mol (Student)
Engaging, I Do
Nina Lak (Student)
Meerdere wegen leiden naar Effect Personeelsdiensten
Scholte Lubberink, DJ (Demi) (Student)
Listen first, understand the conversation and speak last
Anoniem Anoniem (Student)