Determinants of Post-acute Care Costs in Acutely Hospitalized Older Adults: The Hospital-ADL Study.
Marte E., RIbbink; van Seben, Rosanne; Reichardt, Lucienne A; Aarden, Jesse J. (Kenniscentrum Fg); van der Schaaf, Marike; van der Esch, Martin (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen); Engelbert, Raoul H.H.; Twisk, Jos W R; Jos A., Bosch; MacNeil-Vroomen, Janet L; Buurman, Bianca M.
The performativity of a management accounting and control system: exploring the dynamic relational consequences of a design
Wil van Erp (Lid Lectoraat); Frans Roozen (Onderzoeker); Ed Vosselman (Onderzoeker)
Patient preferences in nursing decision-making
Ria den Hertog (Onderzoeker); Theo Niessen
Nursing interventions to support family caregivers in end-of-life care at home: a systematic narrative review
Y.N. Becqué; J.A.C. Rietjens; A.G. van Driel; A. van der Heide; F.E. Witkamp
Meaning in life of older adults in daily care: a qualitative analysis of participant observations of home nursing visits
S.H.A. Hupkens (Onderzoeker); M.J.B.M. Goumans (Lector); P. Derkx; A. Oldersma; Trudy Schutter; A. Machielse
Sociodemographic factors influencing the use of eHealth in people with chronic diseases
Fabienne Reiners (Student); Janienke Sturm (Lector); Lisette J.W. Bouw (Docent); Eveline J.M. Wouters (Lector)
Quality criteria, instruments, and requirements for nursing documentation
De Groot, Kim; Triemstra, Mattanja; Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics); Francke, Anneke L.
Validity and Reliability of the Instrument for Assessing the Child’s Constitution (ICC)
Martin Niemeijer (Onderzoeker); Erik Baars (Lector); Joop Hoekman (Onderzoeker); A.J.J.M. Ruijssenaars (Onderzoeker)
Rethinking the staff-quality relationship in nursing homes
R. Backhaus; H.C. Beerens; Erik van Rossum (Lector); H. Verbeek; J.P. Hamers
Real-time location systems in nursing homes
C.E. Oude Weernink (Onderzoeker); E. Felix; P.J.E.M. Verkuijlen; A.T.M. Dierick-van Daele (Lector); J.K. Kazak (Onderzoeker); J. van Hoof (Lector)