Improvisation and identity: a biographical perspective
Smilde, Rineke
Examining and Understanding Transformative Learning to Foster Technology Professional Development in Higher Education
Maurice Schols (Docent)
Mind-mapping in the EFL classroom
Lonneke Notermans (Begeleider); Carolien Hofland (Student)
Beoordelen in het teken van een leven lang leren [Assessment for life long learning]
Dominique Sluijsmans
The Social Web and Learning
Guus Wijngaards (Lector)
Towards a system for allocated peer tutoring via instant messaging.
prof. dr. Peter Sloep (Lector); drs. Gijs de Bakker (Docent); prof. dr. Wim Jochems (Docent)
Towards a system for allocated peer tutoring via instant messaging.
Prof. dr. Peter Sloep (Lector); Drs. Gijs de Bakker (Docent); Prof. dr. Wim Jochems (Docent)
Automatisch toegewezen peer-begeleiding via instant messaging (Dutch).
prof. dr. Wim Jochems (Docent); prof. dr. Peter Sloep (Lector); drs. Gijs de Bakker (Docent)
Mind tools contributing to an ICT-rich learning environment for technology education en primary schools
Lou A.M.P. Slangen (Lid Lectoraat); Peter B. Sloep (Lector)
Conceptual framework for Europe's future knowledge services
Jan van Bruggen (Lector); Pierre Gorissen; Eric Kluijfhout; Rene van Es; Rob Koper