Towards a pan European Public Sector Innovation lab.
Meister-Broekema, Peter (Living Environment In Transition)
Flood resilience building in living labs
Vana Tsimopoulou (Associate Lector)
Teaching Data Driven Facility Management by implementing high-end technology within the workplace: The Hague University of Applied Sciences as Case
R. Kuijlenburg (Onderzoeker); Frans Joosstens (Onderzoeker)
Living Labs Through Wenger’s Conceptual Lens: A Literature Review
Griffioen, D.M.E. (Lectoraat Higher Education Research And Innovation (Heri)); van Heijningen, Maaike
Evaluation and assessment framework for FTMAAS Living Lab
el Makhloufi, Abdel (City Net Zero)
Multidisciplinair studentenonderzoek naar ouderenhuisvesting
Lechner, Stefan
The state of the art of Living Labs in Higher Education
Eveline F. Kapteijn (Lid Lectoraat)
Accessibility of bucket milking machines to smallholder dairy farmers in Kiambu county Kenya to mitigate against milk losses and maintain quality
Njau, W.R. (Student); Baars, R.M.T.
Scaling mechanisms for avocado loss reduction in Meru County, Kenya
Onyango, A.A. (Student); Kijne, A.G.
Reduction of food losses along the Meru avocado value chain in Kenya
Asekenye, H. (Student); Leyequién Abarca, E.