Groenboom, Rix; Top, Arend
Digitale Geletterdheid en Inclusie & opleiding communicatie (Hanze)
Ponsioen, Arnout; van Oostrom, Madelon; Oldenhuis, Hilbrand
Week van de Nieuwe Economie
Veth, Klaske
The impact of Facility Management on global society
Mobach, Mark P.
To brand or not to brand: the dilemma of reputation in the world of higher education
Bakker, Diederich
Shaping the next generation of FM
Mobach, Mark P.
IBS Event - "Sharing Educational and Resarch Practices"
Kviatek, Beata
Testnet Najaarsevent
Groenboom, Rix; Top, Arend
Global impact of Facility Management on ESG and SDG
Mobach, Mark P.