Interactive journalistic narratives: Balancing authorial, user, and technological agency
Renée van der Nat (Onderzoeker)
Maximizing the taste perception of instant vegan soup powders using natural taste enhancers
Maria Paula de Mey (Student)
Sewage Sludge Ash
Alifia Raudina Khairani (Student)
Shaping market conditions for air protein companies
Vogt, M. (Student); Medema, T.
Drinking water pellet-softening modelling
Aisha Malik (Student)
Stakeholders' path to obtain a certification based on the acquisition process of the alliance for water stewardship
Cárdenas, M. (Student); Burgess, P.
Extraction and anti-oxidation activity of arabinoxylan from corn bran
Panyue Zhang (Student)
Tidal Power Plant induced bed-scour assessment
A. Vinskas (Student); Marco Gatto (Docent); S.S. Shaaban (Begeleider)
The Character Production Pipeline Project
Aioanei, IA (Iolanda) (Student)
News perception in Virtual Reality
Malyk, K (Kateryna) (Student)