Zocht je misschien: houding?
(re)CYCLE Limburg
Nurhan Abujidi (Lector)
The Artisan's Home
Valerio Falconi
Local professionals' perceptions of health assets in a low-SES Dutch neighbourhood
Den Broeder, Lea (Lectoraat Gezondheid En Omgeving); Uiters, Ellen; Hofland, Aafke; Wagemakers, Annemarie; Schuit, Albertine Jantine
Rotterdam: do-it-yourself assemblages in urban regeneration
Beitske Boonstra; W. Lofvers
Testing three fundamental steering mechanisms for organising optimal social performance of the social housing sector in the Netherlands, from the perspective of Dutch key decision makers in social hou
Kropmans, C.F (Carine) (Student)
The factors influencing the sense of home in nursing homes: a systematic review from the perspective of residents
M.D. Rijnaard; J. van Hoof (Docent); B.M. Janssen (Docent); H. Verbeek; W. Pocornie; A. Eijkelenboom; H.C. Beerens; S.L. Molony; E.J.M. Wouters (Lector)
Amsterdam in the 21st century: Geography, housing, spatial development and politics
Savini, Federico; Boterman, Willem R.; van Gent, Wouter P.C.; Majoor, Stan (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken)
Substance use among Dutch homeless people, a follow-up study
Van Straaten, Barbara; Rodenburg, Gerda; Van der Laan, Jorien; Boersma, Sandra N; Wolf, Judith R L M; Van de Mheen, Dike