Health & Care: Drivers Of Urban Growth?
van Winden, Willem (Kenniscentrum Fbe); de Carvalho, Luís; van Winden, Willem; de Carvalho, Luís
Reintegration, reconciliation and relationship quality
M. D. Andres; Karin De Angelis; David McCone
What are the key success factors that make Starbucks a fast-growing company in the Netherlands nowadays - does Starbucks' quality coffee or its brand image have the biggest share?
Shannon Vegter (Student); Adrienne H.M.H. Kapiteijn (Begeleider)
The importance of evaluating primary midwifery care for improving the health of women and infants
Anke de Jonge; Raymond de Vries (Lector); Antoine Lagro-Janssen; Address Malata; Eugene Declercq; Soo Downe; Eileen Hutton
The essential elements for a nursing home according to stakeholders from healthcare and technology
J. van Hoof (Onderzoeker); M.H. Wetzels; A.M.C. Dooremalen (Docent); M.E. Nieboer (Docent); P.J.L.M. van Gorkom (Docent); A.M.E. Eyck (Docent); E.L.M. Zwerts-Verhelst (Docent); S.T.M. Peek (Lid Lectoraat); C.S. van der Voort (Lid Lectoraat); M.J.G.A. Moonen (Lid Lectoraat); C.J.M.L. van Dijck-Heinen (Lid Lectoraat); H.T.G. Weffers; R.A. Overdiep (Docent); Sil Aarts (Lid Lectoraat); C. Vissers-Luijcks (Lid Lectoraat); Eveline Wouters (Lector)
iAge project
Schurer, Margreet; Eskes, Ciska
How to prove to be Entrepreneurial? Certificates are not sufficient?!
Brahimi, N. (Nathalie) (Teacher); Hammer, M.H.V. (Matthijs) (Teacher); Vloon, N.G.J. (Nico) (Teacher)
Increasing the number of members for one of KNGU's most valued disciplines : preschool gymnastics
Nathalie van den Beemt (Student); C. Wood-Oostveen (Begeleider)
Indoor air in long term care facilities and spread of infectious diseases
Marije te Kulve; Marcel Loomans; Emelieke Huisman (Lid Lectoraat); Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Effects on the quality of the nursing care process through an educational program and the use of electronic nursing documentation.
Bruylands, M; Paans, W (Nursing Diagnostics); Hediger, H; Müller-Staub, M