Zelfregulerend leren op basisschool x
Dagmar Fonken (Student); Audrey Janssen-Seezink (Begeleider)
Identities of research-active academics in new universities : towards a complete academic profession cross-cutting different worlds of practice
Monica van Winkel; Roeland van der Rijst; Rob Poell; Jan van Driel
Explicit teaching and scaffolding to enhance concept learning by design challenges
MEd Maurice Smeets (Docent); Dave van Breukelen (Docent); Prof. Dr. Marc de Vries
The FITS model: an improved Learning by Design approach
Drs. Ing. Koen Michels (Docent); Prof. Dr. Marc de Vries; Dave van Breukelen (Docent); MEd Frank Schure (Docent)
A dynamic approach to communication in health literacy education
Veenker, Herman (Arts Education); Paans, Wolter (Nursing Diagnostics)
Fostering students’ reflection
Sins, P (Patrick) (Lector); Tigelaar, D (Dineke) (Phd); Driel, J (Jan) van
Teaching Robotics in Primary School
Lou Slangen
Assies, Frank
Occurrences and quality of teacher and student strategies for self-regulated learning in hands-on simulations
Anne Khaled (Lid Lectoraat); Judith Gulikers (Onderzoeker); Harm Biemans (Onderzoeker); Martin Mulder (Onderzoeker)
College TalentenKracht
Geveke, Carla; Tijsma, Linda; Wierdsma, Menno