Zocht je misschien: influenced, influence?
Social Media for Development
Anand Sheombar (Phd)
6th conference on Preventive Physiotherapy Japan
Hobbelen, Hans
ADHD and the power of generalization
te Meerman, Sanne; Freedman, Justin; Batstra, Laura; Grietens, Hans; Hoekstra, Rink; Batstra, Laura; Grietens, Hans
Helping parents enhance vocabulary development in preschool children
Teepe, Rosa Catharina; Molenaar, Inge; Oostdam, Ron (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Fukkink, Ruben (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); Verhoeven, Ludo
What are the effects of social influences (at interpersonal level) on (regular) physical activity in people who are at risk for cardiovascular disease?
Plungytė (Student); A. Simons (Begeleider)
Ideas, Context and Connections: Conceptual Framing of the Opportunity to Innovate for Migrant Entrepreneurs
Alvarado, Juan Francisco (Lectoraat Ondernemerschap)
The millennial generation and their restaurant choice
Krop, S. (Student); Vlis-Hetsen, L.M. van der
Differences in risk perception factors and behaviours amongst and within professionals and trainees in the aviation engineering domain
Chionis, Dimitrios; Karanikas, Nektarios
Comparison of Canadian and Dutch Urban Parents and Grandparents in Terms of Knowledge of Children’s Cognitive and Social–Emotional Development
Leontien Vreeburg (Lid Lectoraat); R.F.W. (René) Diekstra (Lector); Marcin J. Sklad (Onderzoeker); Courtney D. Lundy (Onderzoeker); Suzanne C. Tough (Onderzoeker)
From social media to the shopping basket
Laura Bruce-Boye (Student); Jonneke F.M. de Koning