Zocht je misschien: strategie, strategies?
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Badar Al-Burtamani (Student); Gerda van den Beemt-Denissen (Docent); Wael Al-Shukaili (Begeleider)
The effect of e-Leadership on digital transformation in the Dutch public sector
Pascal Ravesteijn (Lector); Ton Camu (Student); Paul Morsch (Onderzoeker); Guido Ongena (Lector)
A strategic approach for Medisol's success in Greece and Czech Republic
Alexander Maljers (Student); Rob Jeffery (Docent); Jeroen Meijering (Docent); Marjolein Luijk (Begeleider)
Scaling social impact
Leendert de Bell; Linda Bakker; Claudia van Orden (Lid Lectoraat)
Business models of collaborative urban upcycling initiatives
van Hees, Marco (City Net Zero); Oskam, Inge (Lectoraat Circulair Ontwerpen En Ondernemen); Bocken, Nancy
Strategic collaboration for the Circular Economy
Myrthe Velter (Onderzoeker)
Circular Moonshot: Understanding Shifts in Organizational Field Logics and Business Model Innovation
DiVito, Lori (Lectoraat Collaborative Innovation And Entrepreneurship); Leitheiser, Erin; Piller, Charlotte
Abstract conference ERRN Risk management approach
Linda Snippe (Phd); Abdul Kara (Docent); Marleen Bartelts-Schilt (Docent)
Non-linear dynamics of charging behaviour under growth stress
Helmus, J.R. (Lectoraat Energie En Innovatie)
Strategic risk leadership and sustainability
Linda Snippe (Onderzoeker)